
Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos

Celebrating Stephen Wiggins’ 65th birthday
Royal Academy of Sciences, Madrid, Spain, 1-3 July 2024


Welcome to the «Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos» conference, a satellite event of the 9th European Congress of Mathematics.

Applied Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos has proven its relevance in recent decades due to its fruitful applications in many domains. This conference presents new advances in theory and applications in the field, encompassing among others: Transport and mixing in fluids and geophysical flows, dynamical systems, Hamiltonian systems, KAM theory, phase space geometry, chaos theory, chemical reaction dynamics, bifurcation theory, astrodynamics, etc.

Stephen Wiggins’ work has been dedicated to these topics since the early ’90s, and his research has left a lasting impact on these disciplines. This conference is an opportunity to commemorate his 65th birthday and pay tribute to his legacy.

Stephen Wiggins has been a Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Bristol since 2001, and currently holds the William R. Davis ’68 Distinguished Chair in Mathematics at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis. Before he served as Professor of Applied Mechanics at Caltech. Between 2012-2015 he chaired one of the ICMAT Severo Ochoa Laboratories.

His research has identified areas of science and engineering where new mathematical and/or computational advances are required to move the area forward, which has led to the synergistic development of science in different branches. He was one of first applied mathematicians to develop the area of chaotic advection, which began in the 1980s and still remains a very active area of research. Based on his work, in the early 90s, Prof. Wiggins was invited by the Office of Naval Research to explore ways of applying dynamical systems techniques to Lagrangian transport in oceanic flows.

He is the author of several influential books on dynamical systems, including “Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos”, a leading book in the field. He has explored further applications of dynamical systems resulting in books such as “Mathematical Foundations of Mixing: The Linked Twist Map as a Paradigm in Applications: Micro to Macro, Fluids to Solids”, “Lagrangian Transport in Geophysical Jets and Waves: The Dynamical Systems Approach”, or “Chemical Reactions: A Journey into Phase Space” among others. All of them describe significant breakthroughs in both mathematics as well as applications.

Organizing committee

Makrina Agaoglou

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Ana María Mancho

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Jezabel Curbelo

Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya- Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

Manuel de León

CSIC-Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales

Reza Malek Madani

US Naval Academy

Víctor José García Garrido

Universidad de Alcalá

Scientific committee

Makrina Agaoglou

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Ana María Mancho

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Jezabel Curbelo

Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya- Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

Manuel de León

CSIC-Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales

Victor José García Garrido

Universidad de Alcalá

Plenary speakers

Prof. Erik BolltClarkson University, USA
Prof. Nan ChenUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Prof. Jinqiao DuanGreat Bay University, Dongguan, China
Prof. Dimitris GiannakisDartmouth College, USA
Prof. Darryl HolmImperial College, UK
Prof. Matthaios KatsanikasAcademy of Athens, Greece
Prof. Srihari KeshavamurthyIndian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
Prof. Evelyn LunasinUnited States Naval Academy, USA
Prof. Kevin McIlhanyUnited States Naval Academy, USA
Prof. Haris SkokosUniversity of Cape Town, South Africa
Prof. Holger Waalkens
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Prof. Yiannis KevrekidisJohns Hopkins University, USA


List of Participants



Conference Book of Abstracts

The conference was broadcast via the YouTube channel of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences: July 1, July 2 and July 3.


The conference will take place in the Royal Academy of Sciences in Madrid, Spain.

Address Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España

How to reach the Royal Academy of Sciences?

By metro

Madrid metro map

Line 3

(metro stop Callao)

Lines 1 and 5

(metro stop Gran Vía)

Line 10

(metro stop Tribunal)

By train

See map

Line C4

(metro stop Sol)

By taxi

The following are phone numbers you can call to order a taxi.

Teléfono Taxi

902 478 200

Radio Taxi

914 055 500
914 475 180


913 712 131
913 713 711
902 501 130

Tele-Taxis for disabled people

915 478 600
915 478 200

From Madrid airport by metro

Line 8

From Aeropuerto to ‘Nuevos Ministerios’ station and then commute to line 10 to ‘Tribunal’ station.

From this station the Royal Academy is about an 8 min walk.

From Madrid airport by train

Cercanías T4

Take free bus to T4.

Take the train C1 to ‘Chamartin‘ or ’Nuevos Ministerios’ stations  and take the C4 train line in direction to ‘Parla’. You will have to stop in ‘Sol’ station.


From Atocha train station

 By bus 001

From ‘Atocha-Cercanías’ To ‘Gran-Vía-Montera’

By train C4/C3

To ‘Sol’

By metro line 1

To  ‘Gran Via’

Dates & Information

1st February – 14th April 2024Abstract submission
15th February – 30th April 2024Early registration
1st May – 10th June 2024Late registration
By 23th of April 2024Acceptance of communications
By 15th of May 2024Accommodation scholarships
1st – 3th July 2024Conference dates

Abstract Submission

1st February-14th April 2024


The full registration includes coffee breaks, lunch tickets for the three days and the social program (including the conference dinner).  The reduced registration includes coffee breaks, lunch tickets for the three days but not the social program nor the conference dinner. Participants registered at the 9th European Congress of Mathematics have 20% discount. Registration is accepted through bank transfer. Please click here to download the registration form with instructions. 

Early Full Registration


Feb 15 – Apr 30, 2024

Late Full Registration


May 1 – Jun 10, 2024

Early Reduced Registration


Feb 15 – Apr 30, 2024

Late Reduced Registration


May 1 – Jun 10, 2024

There will be a limited amount of accommodation scholarships for early career researchers and students.  You may request it during your registration. Only early registrants will be considered for this award.

Support & Sponsors

Conference Support

There will be a limited amount of accommodation scholarships for early career researchers and students.  You may request it during your registration. Only early registrants will be considered for this award.

Social Program

Tuesday 2 July

Guided tour on the Madrid City Tour bus from 18:00 to 20:30

Dinner at JAI ALAI at 20:30


For any information on the conference, please contact

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